Tuesday, April 6, 2004
9:50 PM

posted by crazyyuan
my bloggy>uni entry>rosie's blog.>bored

To recollect and tell of past experiences or events

ok i learn something new everyday...

i just realized that when i turn crazy everytime.. nobody takes me seriously,,

just tidying up my blog..realised that the left hand side is as outdated as my life would be and as messy as my room is now...
time to get more to do stuff to be added.. which just reminds me all the stuff that i have missed.. the piglet movie.. the bungee jump.. ah..dream on...

ok.. me having regrets about my university application..i had put accountacy as my first choice.. have the feeling of backing out now..cos i dun think i will be up to it... more of i dun think i can stand the boring environment of auditing or that boring deskjob of 5 to nine everyday.i can already see that if i were really an accountant..i will either be tearing my hair out or holding a party at my office everyother working day..sob.. was i rash?..too rash about my future... i guess at letting faith do the job..cos i feel to tired to make any decisions for myself..cos they always turn out wrong and then the path which i am suppose to take in the first place reveals itself and then it back to squre one.. a place i do not want to be at first but end up anyway

when i read rosie's blog..whoa.. long time nv go there liao.. all the entrys i never see before except the one right at the bottem.. very chim u know.. wat ever u writting..the rest of u guys ah..yingling and dai and gunni all never update..u all that busy?

me now currently unemployed... haha... i am supposed to be happy.. not really very exciting.. cos it secnd day into being unemployed..and i am bored to death..other then plans that will keep me occupied for this three days.. i wonder what i am i going to do?