Monday, March 15, 2004
10:51 PM

posted by crazyyuan
its not just about updating your friends on wat u have been doing and thinking..but updating and reminding yourself who u are and what u have been doing..
saves u the trouble of trying to find a secret place for ur diary and trying to find that place after u have forgotten about it..train u to be tactful and encourage to be open as well as considerate and mindful of the powers of media ..

i am troubled...
by wat course i want to go to in and design or arts and social science...the rest of the courses are not applicable either becos i have no interest in them or that i cannot take them becos of my results...wat to do..i feel like just throwing a dice to see which of the courses i should choose...dun give a damn about career prospects..or future employment rates..or the difficulty of the course or the requirement of the school and where the rest of my friends are going.....and another problem..hostel life...something i have got to face sooner or later...either i go to one..where i am known and will be recognised ..or that i go some where else where i have to start all over again...

changes are always scary..and sometimes thats why i dun want to let go...

made up my choice..have verified my admission

in ntu -1. accountacy 2. business 3. economics
in nus -1. arts and social science

dun ask me.. never though abt putting accountacy down as first choice..but i was thinking ..why not...