Saturday, February 14, 2004
1:07 AM

posted by crazyyuan
Just went to read ying ling's say the truth..after reading her entry…I can totally understand her situation…for mine is more or less the worst…
This is because watami only have siting capacity of 44 indoors. and other 40 - 50 outdoors...when I comes to the dinner crowd..pple starts gashing in…and there is only 3-4 service staff will be outside to ‘entertain’ them..first get then seats then tea..take order serve food..clear plates..take bill shout into kitchen to hurry orders..explain the menu to custmers..explain promotion to customers…with no specific station to speak of..and the outside seats…you must have them at the corner of your mind what ever happens..when something crops up in the kitchen and the food cannot be served on time..costomers start complaining…and those whose orders have not arrived will start making friends with each other and come after the service staff personally…everynight u will hear : '(captain)zihui..table 4 wants to see you... (captain)zihui..table 13 said u took their order but have not received yet..u go and settle...(boss)zihui..tatami room tea..zihui next time u must check whether thir food got come out or not...(boss)zihui...clear the plates once their empty..(customer) zihui ..i made my order so long..where is it..why is it talking so long..
Imagine--- having to walk pass a row of tables and having pple staring at you as they are waiting for their food..and one guy wants ice family want baby chair..a lady wants more wasabi and one guy wants to have his tea refilled and the menu and of course another would want to take order and the kitchen bell will be ringing behind telling you to serve out the food and this old lady will want to add another order of shishamo and this family want to ask you why their order is not out yet and you realized that there is someone waiting at the door and the table is not cleared……you will end up fearing to walk out of the kitchen everytime u walk in…one thing is one will go crazy..and the other thing is that one will cry…for this happens every other night when there is a shortage of man power…and the helplessness does not end until everyone have their food of you will be busy refilling tea..checking on the guests outside..checking that everyone have wat they have ordered and whether they need to refill their tea and that empty plates are cleared as soon as possible…haiz…