Sunday, January 25, 2004
1:14 AM

new job!

posted by crazyyuan
hohoho..happy new year again!!
have u guys got lots of hong baos? havent.but its okay..cos me now got new job!! let me tell u all abt it..

okay..basically the place is a japanese restaurant called watami resturant,situated at singapore recreation club..quite a posh place i must sushi belt..but got a tatami room..the place only sits about 30-40 pple..quite pathetic i think..but gd for waitress like us..dun need to go boggy over serving too many pple..

now me working with shiwei and andy..the guy who introduced me to the sec sch classmates as well..very nice guys..very hardworking as well..always looking very busy i must say..which is quite hard to do as the rest. sometimes just empties out and there is no one to serve and nothing to tend to..
when pple enter the rest ..we are suppose to shout 'welcome' in have practiced it a thousands times..but me still cannot remember what me suppose to say.when pple come me just keep mum and smile at whoever enters..and of course..have to say..arigato gozaimas-ta..or something like that when they leave..quite interesting..but usually i just busy myself to clearing their plates...but i must say..this job quite slack..really..80 percent of the time u ae standing at a corner waiting..for something to happen..then the rest 20 percent u are rushing around to clear plates, refill cups of hot tea..serve stuff..take orders..wipe tables..tending to fussy customers wants their food more quicky..and those who just want more soya peas (eda mame)..saying welcome and thank you and figuring out wat the difference between a set meal and a bento set and what are stuff like tempura moriawase or ika shioyaki..
but all in all..its fun..cos u are working with friends..and the place is small..quite cosy..but a bit squeezy..and cannot eat and of the stuff..can only look...but drinks are free flow..refering to coke soda..lemon tea and sprite..

yap..thats about my latest job..sounds not very cool i my first day of work..quite fun..but the nicest was when u look out of the balcony..there right in front of u is the surbondinate court, the padang, fullerton hotel and all the other tall beautiful bulidings that look even nicer on a drizzling night...