Wednesday, January 14, 2004
10:50 AM

posted by crazyyuan
will be going to work at 1200 so here i am updating myself and my friends on my life

today is wednesday..must keep track..or else i dun know wat kind of life i am living everyday..
next wednesday is chinese new year fast..and as the day near..i predict i will become more busy.
sometimes, it just feels good to feel useful, or in other words be wanted..sian..very often when one is left with no task to accomplish..a sense of unworthiness sets in...thats for my i like to be busy busy busy...

went to 4k chalet on ....cannot remember which day..had quite come fun i least i got to catch up on some friends like yingling, rachel , jovin , andy, des and shiwei..bascially everyone have not changed much..most guys became taller and gals became prettier :P and or course..the guys..their way of speaking never changed much..they still have vulgaries coming out of their mouths everyother sentence..
and some thing nice happen..i think..supposely one guy (cannot remember how to spell his name )told the pple that he had a crush on me before i went to the bbq..which i think was quite interesting..cos me have never spoke a word to him before ..and to think of mentioning this matter after two years of leaving ahs and still being shy about it...hmm..i dun really think i understand guys..

another funny matter..jovin came to my shop in the afternoon with her cousin...the funny thing was that when she stepped in and stood in front of me (when i was not noticing).almost all my colleugues at the counter gasped...for supposedly..she was like my twin..haha..jovin..i have to let u of the guys at the shop admired your big beautiful eyes so much that he immediately asked me to introduce you to him after u left..while others debated on who was prettier u or your when u are drop least that will make the boring hours there more interesting..