Friday, December 26, 2003
10:36 PM

The photos are out the gallery…

posted by crazyyuan
Went to a children’s home home today near kovan drive…
It was quite a nice place..supposed to go there to interact with the games with them…
When we got there..saw many muslim boys and girls of age mostly from 7 to 14..most looked really cute and friendly..through the introduction by one of the social workers there.. we got to know that the children had stayed at the home mainly because of 3 reasons: they were either,1) beyond parental control 2)under protection of the juvenile court of Singapore due to home abuse 3)or that their parents do not care about them anymore..
They had pretty packed timetables during school days..with include prayers everyday and tution twice a day three times a week. ..i felt glad that they had the home least a roof over their heads and had people to care for them…
I do not really know what to think of the visit…prrbably that we are all very fortunate people and should cherish wat we all have now. Really. When u look at the angelical faces of the little girls and the hyperactive boys who cannot wait to lay their hands on the new toy we bought for make one wonder about their background and wat sufferings they must have gone through mentally and physically on their little bodies.

My mom asked me about the visit… I was real pissed off. I had shouted back at her twice today..for I felt I could not stand her views that I was a utterly useless person. Her view are as always. ‘u do not help out at home..haha..and u went to the old folks home and children’s home to do volunteer work?..who will believe u?..u dun even do wat u are suppose to do and au go around helping others..haha..what did u do? Went to clean up after them?..’ hearing these words really make me feel very sad..very angry too…

Maybe I should really concentrate on being a good daughter and a sensible girl who help out around the very filial to my parents and good to my friends before I even start helping people I do not not I really contribute a great deal when I went to the home.. Confucius once sad..that one should be good to the people around u before helping others ..can I do it the other way around..i mean..i dun really care whether my table is neat or not..cos I noe however I clear it will never be up to my mom’s standard…I would only be doing it to please my mom..which I rather be doing in other ways..for wats the use of making ur table speckless just to please ur mom.. when u know u will still be getting a scolding after u have done it..
Wat a trival matter to talk about. I should be glad that I have parents who care about me…
Why are people always complaining?..
Why can’t people be contented with wat they have?.
Why does one only understand about cherishing what they have only after wat they have lost something?