Friday, January 2, 2004
12:09 AM

the bak kua story

posted by crazyyuan
Hello everyone!! Happy new year firstly!
How are all of you? now just came back from work, very, very tired, but I am making myself sit in front of the computer too write my blog, cos I have been so buzy..haven been keeping in contact with all of you although I really wanted to….fighure..must do something about it..

So here’s my story…me got a new job! Haha…me now working at Mei Zheng Xiang Bak Kua Store the outlet at tampines..which outlet.i leave for u to figure out..if u do find me hanging around can come down and visit me once in a while! least until lunar new year..
Basically me quit the pathetic job at noel international..the hamper wrapping one after working for like about ..3 days…which I earn about 1.5 bucks per hamper..which I can at most pack 2 per ….my lovely cousin pulled me into the shop to do part-time ..sianz..i shall not bore u with any boring details about the job… I sort of have a lot of things to say ..but I dun noe how to to say and where to start..lets just say me miss all of u. me now working at the bak kua shop.10am to 10 pm..everyday return home dead tired lor…me even got jaw locks while yawning in the morning for talking too much when trying to promote the bak kua pies…and my legs…one word...stiff…not trying to complain. Cos I understand everywork have it pros and cons and the good thing about this job is I can eat as much bak kua as I like!..haha..of couse in small proportions lah..but still can eat until u dun want..haha..but me got sick of the tradional bak kua in like..2 days…the bak kua pie in one day..still eat ing the best and most expensive one…the gourmet bak kua.!! Everyone must try when u have a chance ok? taste like heaven..and do u know why?. Cos its looks like bacon..only bak kua style..and its sinful to eat at lot..50 bucks per kg..most pple only buy like 100g to eat for fun..with is only a few mouthful..but really damn satisfying…fats can make one feel so good..u have to try it out your self to know..

Ok..enough of bak kua…until next time..the next job…see you all around!
And gals!! about a get together lunch after CNY..look forward to seeing u guys!
Take care!