Sunday, December 28, 2003
11:56 AM

those were the days…

posted by crazyyuan
just flipping though my mind

was just thinking of the days where:
- we rolled our eyes in almost all of her comments about our class
- we sat in the canteen to drink ‘three in one’
- ate samosas and currypuffs and hashbrowns for brunch
- went opposite to eat roti prata and not forgetting to chop places for each others
- the mulitcoloured mountain high ice kachang
- meeting online to play i-sketch
- waiting for 3 periods for a gp lesson on Thursday
- running to lucky heights for pe
- hanis and his sars rap
- miss leong and her ever –eyecatching slippers
- trying to finish the econs tys before econs lessons
- bring the tys to school time and time again as miss leong forgets to go through it
- talking to mr kwan about his wife, baby rui chong , his pay, his car, his brick
- sneaking into weird history lessons
- sleeping in the library between lessons
- trying to copy maths tutorials and econs essay plans at the assembly ground early in the morning
- eating mee goring at el café and waiting for the pathetic sevice
- talking about Beatrice and Benedict’s witty banter during lessons and lunch
- eyeing reeves in the much ado movie
- amused by how explicit angela carter can be in snow white
- sleeping during Chinese lesson ..while sitting in front of chen liao shi
- doodling on my Chinese drooling on it
- reminding shelia to wake up at the end of each lesson
- Jiadai’s AIR-PORK (wat were the other two?)
- Cramming before exams..doing essay plans that never came out
- Remembering quotes ‘savage sensuality’ ‘beast with two backs’
- Shopping at the bookshop,buying chocolates and fruittips
- playing cards in the student’s lounge..heart attack turns bloody when someone stabs engtat
- Turning up in ethic costumes on racial harmony day
- Talking about jingjing and ah ming ge in Holland V
- Cozying up in miss loong’s room for lit lessons
- Trying not to tear our hair out when we get bottem low marks for our essays
- Never having a proper class outing except for miss leong;s treat
- finally seeing the nice side of miss lim after so long
- fussing about grad night stuff and great after-A-plans in our leisure time
- trying not to cry on grad day
- taking a few thousand photos at the lobby
- missing each others during the holidays.