Friday, January 16, 2004
1:13 PM


posted by crazyyuan
Sometimes I just wonder ..
if all working life is like this..worst still if it’s a 9-5 job..u wake up to go to work in the morning..and when u reach home at night..u are too tired to even read the papers..maybe just take a shower and go to bed..lucky…theres no homework ..hehe..

but of course my work is not so bad..the horrible times only comes when there is no one to serve and u are left to look at one another and talk crap..and when the supervisor is around ..let me the shop..i usually stand at the counter to pack the bk..cos its quite slack..but the thing is I can only do it when the supervisor is not around cos he claims himself to be the fastest packer…which I do not agree with him cos he is super egoistic..and a super rude person…and I am usually left to insert the packed stuff into paper and plastic bags…and I often get glared from him cos I cannot remember the orders when they do NOT bother to tell me as they can expect me to hear everything the customer says from like 1 meter away under all the chaos..ok..i am grumbling..just complaining.. every job have its ups and downs…and only pple in same situation will understand.. and then another thing is the working hours..and lunch hours..sian..when I still find amusing at times..cos when u are in the basement for more then like 10 hours a day and have no fixed lunch hours..u dun really noe when u meal hours are..nor can u estimate wat time of the day is it..for example yesterday..i have noe idea what we were buzy about but I missed my lunch and dinner and realized it only at about 9pm…and well there are also some good points about the job other then getting free bk to eat every now and then…can have friends pop in to visit once in a my kiadai, shuhui, joan, Eunice, yingling, Cheryl,jovin, jac, kat, xuemei pop in for a small chat…which is nice..except u all can see that I cannot chat when we are all buzy..but I love to see u all again really!and of course how can I forget this..when u stand at the counter u can feast your eyes on all the yan dao guys that walk past..for example the young chef at breadtalk that talks in a super funny way:’come bread hot hot bread come..’ and a very clean look ntuc promoter that aways walk pass our shop with out failing to look in…
ok .just some stupid stuff to spice up my blog...have to go eat lunch working at 2-12..seeya pple around!