Saturday, February 14, 2004
12:34 AM

V for

posted by crazyyuan
Happy V day to all I must say…at least I hope very one will be happy on this everyday and everyday…but of cos..for the many of us who are still unattached..we will still go on…

Me have really been busy ..been doing full shift from the whole of this month..feeling very tired tired…that I dun even want to complain…so tired that I dread the coming of the Saturday and Sunday..the coming v dae…no plans no nothing..just work work work..

Received joan’s msg….sent out a msg out as well…most pple replied within 5 mins…really happy…really glad..:P but a bit sad..dun noe why..

Haven not written blog so long..dun noe wat to write…

I just hope all thhe lonely souls out there have a happy valentines day..for the day is not just for couples..but for singles who are willing to take the step out to allow someone into their lives…wat crap..