Thursday, February 26, 2004
4:31 PM

Zihui aka Xiao Mei aka Xiao Hui aka Stephanie aka bugs bunny

posted by crazyyuan
Hello there..actually wanted to come online at 9 plus…got caught up with some old friend on the back on the computer..sort of forgot what I wanted to type liao..let me try to recall..

Ok.. these days have been quite interesting days..made a new friend from friendster..very nice person..a bit odd but interesting..actually told me off within a few minutes of knowing each other and criticized me..and gave me a very bad impression of him to be quick to make judgements but made me realized that I was quick to make judgments on him too..very crappy guy..haven come across someone like him for a long time..wonder how long this crappy friend will last..

Went to work today..found out the company gonna cut costs and cut our working hours…my pay for this week which was supposed to be three hundred bucks was reduced to two hundred and I have to work half days for the rest of this week..which I think is terrible cos with half of the day free for cannot seem to find anything to do..except walk around the library..sleep at home and wait for the night to come…boredom..suddenly I have free time for myself which I have beem yearning for but I am now dreading it..cos I know I am wasting it away..

A conversation with a friend enlighted me suddenly on wat is really on going around me..
I will going to uni in july..hopefully ntu..and since my brother is already in there..the burden of having two kids in uni is really gonna be great for my parents…I had not realized how great the burden will be until now….the only thing I can do is to work hard and earn enough money for my own allowance so as to lessen their burden… this have become my new motivation to nice…

And one thing…haha.. a small thing I am also happy bought a new bag!!..a very cute one!! a grey sling bag..the funny thing is where I bought it…its of the shelve at big bookshop among the hello kitty and powerpuff girls school bags…dun worry..its just a grey bag with a beri bear embroidery on its cover..very kawaii….the moment it caught my eye..i knew I had to get it….and this does not happen more than twice in a u can imagine…on $15.65..good buy..