Sunday, February 22, 2004
1:10 PM

posted by crazyyuan
sunday morning..all alone at home..have to go to work later...called some friends..most going out ..cannot chat..that leaves me alone on the computer .

just when i though that yesterday would never end..its sunday already..another week have passed...sometimes i think that there is nothing to say..sometimes i just think that some things are best left unspoken about..but it seems to be that when u do say it out..most of the time someone will feel hurt...most of the time its u yourself..and then..its the other party...

read jia dai's blog just her description of wat she saw at the resevoir while she was jogging..i was touched..and grateful and happy that there are pple still there to appreciate the finer things of life like simple family gatherings which are made up of purely love for one another and giving each other a little of your time and attention..something i am gulity of...its been to work in the morning and and dragging my tired legs home everyday after mind is now filled with nothing except trying to find ways not to go into conflict with the boss , finding a knee guard cos my knees cannot take it any more after about 3 weeks of kneeing and banging on the wooden floor..and trying to find time to do some homework on which U i can go to..instead of which i want to go to...and of course finding some one to speak complain to..which i rather not as to not strain other's ears..and finding more time for my family and friends..