Sunday, May 23, 2004
11:23 PM

Hugs dispel loneliness, bulids self esteem, foster altruism and help curbs appetite! *hugs everyone!*

posted by crazyyuan
Be Grateful.
It's been found that super happy people regularly take time out to be thankful for wat they have. Focusing on, and appreciating whats good about right now means less time spent stressing abou what you wish you had done instead
- excerpt from seventeen mag

So before i start complaining.. let me be grateful first..
- i wanna be grateful for the invention of Blogger.. or blogspot watever.. it have given me an entire new outlet to express myself in ways i would not have though of otherwise..
without blogger.. i will be too lazy to write in my diary.. for one of the reason i blog is that i can be read by whomever who bothers to scroll down the page.. for it is true... unless u are extremely bored.. u would not care to visit anyone's life that has a normal routine like anyone its the choice that pple have... i noe pple who see my entries and are put off the huge chunks and just read the first and last sentences and skip the rest.. i am glad to know that u are are doing that .. really... i dun noe how to explain.. but i am glad.. at least pple have the choice to 'shut off' whenever they want.. .. it will not be like complaining to any good friend.. a good friend would not bear to tell u.. i am tired of ur complaing.. but just listen on.. but with blogger.. i can complain all the shit in the world and if u guys dun like it.. feel free to close the window :P..but for all the pple who really read my entry and find them entertaining or amusing in one way or another.. i am glad u had enjoy ur dshort stay on my web..thanx!

today is the last day of my robinson job.. i am soo glad.. and in some way sad also.. but of course.. i am more glad.. cos no more dealing with arrogant and irritating customers... ok.. forget abt the bad stuff.. must be grateful for all the friend i made at the store..anna, celest, muna,joanne, jerry, micheal,haslinda, xiao wan, sally, khamisah, simin....and of course,, how can i forget..PEIYU.. haha.. who is now suppose to be my twin sister.. cos pple who have seen us together or separate (she on level one and me on level two).. think we look alike and may be twins.. how.. we stull cannot figure out.. haha... well.. so.. after like so many days of complaining.. we definately.. tested each other;s limit..some how.. got to know each other better.. how much better.. haha.. but i still think not much.. but then look forward to watching harry potter with her!!

yesterday i lost my bike... it was STOLEN.... a urata mountain bike ,, black and yellow.. bought and riden barely for a month.. STOLEN when it was chained to the bicycle lot at tampines mrt second bike lost... on my way home on learning that my bike was STOLEN. i scolded the F----ing bastard all the way.. whoever is that jerk who STOLE my bike is riding i how.. i curse u that you butt rots when u ride it and u crash into every tree on the pavement and kanna knock down by a eightwheeler when u cross the road.. and hopefully u die a pretty ugly death.. dun say i am mean..i am still deciding whether to make a police u watch out..