Thursday, May 6, 2004
9:54 PM

posted by crazyyuan
~~>Yeah!!. Expo days are over!!!
will be free until the May 12 when we have to go back to centerpoint shopping center for thr great singapore sale.. haha.... finally... no more standing behind the freezing cashier and no more packing of heavy trolleys.. no more making mistakes when giving change.. stressfull sia. haha.. most of all.. no more the eating at that kind of place where the food price is twice the cost of everything outside...
its been a fun experience... made lots of friends.. seen all kind of pple..

~~>me got a new bike!! .. yeah!!!.. me go happy.. its a mountain bike .yellow and black.. sooo cool... sad also.. cos the other disney fest bike was stolen.. due to my ignorance..cos i simply was too lazy to lock it... ok.. its my fault... i will always lock my bike from now on :P.. me will also ride more safely .. and stop riding into lamp posts...

~~> me wanna go to tangs!.. cos iriver got some exhibition there.. gatta buy an mp3 player!! anyone game?.. no.. too rash... no money..

~~> going Lu Yuan on the 8 may with joan and daidai!!.looking forward to going back to tj..

Finally can update my blog.. dun noe wats wrong with it a few days ago..