Monday, January 15, 2007
1:38 AM


posted by crazyyuan
its been some time since i actually went for session.. lets see.. the last time i went was.. b4 exams i think.. thats quite long..v long indeed. Once, it was a weekly event for me. even if it involves a 2 hr journey.. now.. guilty saying.. i haven been attending the session.
to some friends who know me, i attend a volunteer session at jurong garden school every sat (used to) from abt 2pm-6pm.. its the in the middle of a perfect afternoon to relax at home or o go to town shopping. but every saturday. u will find 30 odd no of undergrads and 20 odd no of adults volunteering their free time to have fun and games with the trainees .. or our students.

i was first attracted to the fun and ever cheerful environment which was in laughter and joy. be it singing of children or pop songs or doing self-chrographted dances or having outings at the bird park on a rainny day.. animal farm.. watching movies.. the pple there was always nice. it was a place where we were not bothered by schwork and results and could completle have fun with fellow students and volunteers..

sadly after some events.. its been hard to turn up at the session again. dun want to hurt her anymore than necessary. dun feel its necessary for me to turn up and make things look bad.knowing myself. any confrontation would seen unsightly and unavoidable if i were to be in her presence. better to avoid.. well.. but i still hope to vol sometime again. heres the site abt the vol club i am in :

congrats to gunni who is currently organising social workers' week @ nus .. all the best~