Wednesday, April 25, 2007
10:41 PM

everyone is going places

posted by crazyyuan
the previous post was unexpectedly short.. was interrupeted by a guest appearance in the room and i couldnt possibly blog infront of the friend.. i had to entertain the person .. thats crazyyuan's hosptitality always....

well second day of no more exams.. no more homework.. no more tests.. no more quizes, no more notes.. no more lectures..(maybe from mom ya) .. no more going to sch.. how does that sound to u? it sounds pretty good to me in fact. 15 years of education. 6 yrs of pri sch. 4 yrs od sec sch, 2 yrs of jc and 3 yrs of university.. ahh 15 years.. since .. 1990s.. dunnoe exactly year.. but finally the typical singaporean road on the paper chase have SEEMINGLY come to the end.. as i am speaking here.. ppler are taking exams.. cant really celebrate much.. pple are in rome.. or even further.. which stop are u now at of ur europe tour jasmine.. and my hall mates and classmatesare planning to go on a trip to taiwan.. TAIWAN!! .. probably anyone i noe who is going on a grad trip is going taiwan.. even a A level grad.. other than shan who is going to ALSAKA! .. amazing right.. where am i going? .. i am prob going to go down to TANJIONG PAGAR a few times each week for job interviews.. and hopefully by the end of a zillion days. i will get a job.. i got a feeling i will be left behind.. not literaly in terms of distance.. but usually tats the case.. i will prob be doing something not so expectant.. something that has happened often enough in my life that it no longer surprises me if i end up doing something i have mentioned i prayed i wun be doing.. pray with me.. i dun want to be an insurance agent.. haiz..

what is life after exams.. one thing i learn when i work up after a 12 hr sleep from 6 am - 6 pm this noon was that.. times and tide waits for no one.. everyone noes that.. but how often do we realise its impact on us.. b4 the exams ... i tell myself.. it will be over soon.. it will be over soon.. and hopefully b4 i noe it.. it will be over... and it was.. and here i am.. its easier to look back i think.. cos u noe things cant be changed already.. and its more scarely to look at the future.. cos of all the uncertainty facing u.. all the possiblities.. ok lets be more positive.. more ***OPPORTUNITIES***.. hopefully the stars make it look more attractive...

i want.. i want.. i want.. too many things.. suddenly i am no long simple.. no longer satified with a normal job.. a normal life... a normal family.. i dun want to be materialistice.. i want to be me..