Sunday, May 27, 2007
7:07 PM

at work..

posted by crazyyuan
i belive in karma..usually.. i believe that one good returns another... be it indirectly or directly.. be it making a small scarifice to make things easier for others.. or really going all the way out even if it doesnt require u to do so.. my belief is if i can help.. i dun mind doing it.. then why not. some pple think that too silly.. some pple think u are just kaypoh.. some just can see from your point of view.. someone got to make this world a better place ya.. at least one more happier soul wouldnt mind that.. but would it matter if the willing person is happy to do it?

ironic i would say. one of the first interviews i got was a hr position.. regarding. recruitment consultant at recruit express.. now i am working at a small company that targets hr staff to provide them with a better solution for attendance management.. means no more manaul payroll.. less cursing and swearing every time a mistake is spot on the attendance systems.. helps the company save admin resources and $$.. in some way.. workers cant cheat le.. u cant work more OT then allowed... u cant ask ur buddy to punch ur card for u when u are late or early.. well.. hopefull the money saved is spent on something better... if u are a hr personnel who wants to know more how this solution can help u save lots of $$ .. drop a