Tuesday, May 15, 2007
12:28 PM


posted by crazyyuan
there were initally plans.. go taiwan with the hall pple.. then that was blown by the budget and other restrictions.. .. then there was batam or bali with the 3302 gal.. another blown cos of many commitments and safety and parent issues.. lol and as i sit here trying to be greatful abt wat i have.. i try not to think abt the pple going guangzhou,taiwan. hk, dubai, europe...and settle comfortable in bed to red my brown-edged harry porter and the order of phoneix book.. have already forgottne the story.. since the movie is coming out and the trailer looks entirly foreign to me.. might as well read it since i got nothing to do.. talking to my ex-colleguen.. he recommend me .. 'go sentosa also can' .. dots.. maybe my expectations have became higher.. i should settle for less.. i do have a grp of friends who jio me to go sentosa.. but i was bz then..well thats my own fault..

yesterday when out with the gals.. had nothing to wear.. was looking as lok kok as ever.. v sian.. how can i look better.. sad n ashamed to say.. i dun put and (i dun noe how to) put on nice makeup.. my excuse.. let my skin breath... but i better do better.. b4 my pale ugly face take pple's breath away.. went.. tm to look at some keyrings..but could buy anything nice.. saw a nice leaf pendent at chomel.. but din buy.. was worried i couldnt carry it off.. i cant dress well .. 50% of my clothes are black and the they udn exactly match..bleah


  At 2:47 AM, May 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous said:

"i cant dress well .. 50% of my clothes are black and the they udn exactly match..bleah"

That's kinda true! haaaaa you need a consultant