Wednesday, August 29, 2007
9:32 AM

complain affair

posted by crazyyuan
hello.. its the time of the month again, when i become meaner, more emotional, tear easily and complains even more freqently.. and recently, i have been tinkering with ideas of changing jobs.. leaving my current one.. its been fun working here with amy, the gal who introduced me in, applying marketing knowledge to some stuff, designing marketing collaterals, but hitting my KPI of calls and appts everyday is becoming a dreadful affair. i agree with dear, who says that i lack focus.. true enough, i was often focusing on other stuff and trying not to focus on my kpi.. and of course i have not been hitting it for many weeks, thus will be dragging the team down.. as it becomes more depression, the more relunctant i show in working.. zzzzz.. i suck!! sian...