Monday, August 20, 2007
2:19 PM

posted by crazyyuan
hi there.. its been quite a while .. been more or less buzy with work, catching up with sleep and my dear.. that practically take up most of my time.. and not to mention, trying to get my dbs ibanking to work! (am utterly disappointed with dbs)

i dun noe abt the rest of you, but i hate bad service.. when ever i go shopping or just window shopping, i believe that customer is king, and especially when u are paying 7% gst and 10 % service charge. as the result, i have also become a bit of a pesky shopper when i sense poor service coming on, i become a nasty shopper myself. Be it at the sushi place where they take ten mins to get u water, 20 min to serve u food, 30 min to check ur order.. i totally have no tolerance on that. and wat sucks most is the lack of service with a smile.. haiz... something that is so rare now a days that i do cherish that very little bit of smile from retail assistants... and once in a while when i do enjoy the cab ride from a nice cabby uncle i do say, i enjoyed the ride, something rare, but i noe it will be appreciated.


ya, i absolutely abhor bad service.