Wednesday, July 25, 2007
11:15 PM


posted by crazyyuan
surprised to see ya tag gal.. its alright.. perhaps this speaks a lot of my personality.. that i am willing to let my personal feelings rule over wat i want to do.. i will be hard for me to go back and face u.. cos it will not be the same again. however sad that may be..i still look forward to seeing rspid updates.. individual news on trainees are especially delightful.. seeing mandy making little but important improvements make me really happy.. that her teachers are really making a great effort.. and also mandy must have been a good mood that day.. lol.. en guan still sounds as cute and the others like sherra and che sze and sharon and karmil and kok hui are still as adorable. seeing projectid a sucess is also heart warming. i see u becoming more brave and taking up more responsibilites.. that really good.. was happy to see u really so active. perhaps i really got no reason to comment on ur life.. but i am happy for u.. and do not hope to make things difficult for anyone by my stubborness.. all the best gal..