Monday, July 9, 2007
10:19 PM

thank you there!

posted by crazyyuan
dear Anonymous,

as much as i like ur frank opinions in the comment box.. lol thanks for for taking the time to disecting my problems and arranging them out in such a simple way that in now i am looking at myself from a third person's pt of view.. the person was just feeling lousy.. i was just feeling lousy.. its just a stage/phrase teens (if i can still be considered to be) go thru. the change of environment suddenly from hall to home, from student to employee simply made a good enough impact on my mental condition. i agree.. pple now a days simple rant out their frustration online like nobodies business. i hope my post have not affected ur day in any way.. for now i am actually feeling better already. i have learnt to move on and not focus on things that makes me unhappy. i guess pple do tat once in a while. dun u too? sometime u just want to well up in sorrows ..and burst out in tears.. its not a call to pple that hey i want attention or pity or concern.. perhaps if u are feeling lousy.. look at me! i am feeeling lousy too! if u are feeling alright abt ur life.. be grateful for the good things u have and sensible blogsense u own..sometimes crying out loud makes one feel gd.. for a moment its like feeling ur emotions let loss.. yes it doesnt help much with the problems... but at least it release the dam of emotions in side u..

read in the papers another day about this graditute book where u have a diary where u write down things u are grateful for everyday. wanted to do so.. but now maybe not.. just wanna say i am thankful for surviving the stressful period, the loving family i have got, good collegues, new office place.. good readers whom leave meaning comments which i can feel where u guys are coming from. thanks guys...