Thursday, June 14, 2007
8:03 PM

will you make the difference?

posted by crazyyuan
i am not afraid to say.. not only this year.. but every year when i really sit down in front of the tv and listen to the ndp song , i will tear ;)mostly becos i am touched and often becos i feel grateful in one way or another. This year's ndp song can be downloaded here

Will You
Music & Lyrics: Jimmy Ye

will you make this island
Amazing in all ways
surpises in every corner
delightful nights and days

*will you take this country and turn it from a place
To a home that greets your smiles on every face
Will you come on this brave journey
Will you help to make it real
Will you write us grand new stories
Songs that everyone will feel

So will you swim the current
Will you scale new heights
Will you make it happen
Will you let your dreams take flight

Will you write us grand new stories
You must dare to find new ways
Will you let your dreams take flight
You must dare to find new ways

and will you make the difference
Will you seize the day
Will you live each moment
Will you dare to find new ways

will you take this city and turn it from a place
To a home that greets your smiles on every face
Will you come on this brave journey
Will you help to make it real
Will you write us grand new stories
Songs that everyone will feel

so will you swim the current
will you scale new heights
will you make it happen
will you let your dreams take flight

and will you make the difference
will you seize the day
will you live each moment
will you dare to find new ways

dare to find
dare to find
dare to find new ways!

i love this song.. perhaps as singapore is turning another year older.. its time to ask the people.. thats us ..whether we are now mature enough step out of our comfort zone, to make changes, to find new ways, make our dreams come real .. time to not ask wat the country can do for you, but wat you can do for your country. for many years, its been our home, a place we have stayed in.. perhaps its time to venture and seek new ways to improve , protect and develop it!

have u ever thought .. if you were not born in singapore.. but somewhere else.. things would be so much different. the education, the life, the work the opportunities that we have all stood to gain from the moment we sat foot on this little but strong island. We have understood what our forefathers have done..its only through their sweat and labour that this beautiful nation was built.. hence its time we continue it.. not only continue living here.. but seizing each day, opportunity and improving our lives.. do u dare to find new ways? its not about being patriotic, wearing the colours of red and white .. but doing things for the community, improving the quality of life we have.. not through $$ but other ways.

write a grand new story, map a brand new history, create someting we can be proud of to tell our son and grandsons!! (if i could and i would pre- crite each verse..i would probaby end with a long post.. but if you are reading this .. i hope u think thru the lovely as it is meaningful, its probaby the thing we need now to tell the people of singapore.. you can do it! you can make the difference! BUT WILL YOU?)