Monday, May 28, 2007
11:59 PM

happy again

posted by crazyyuan
12 midnight le.. should be sleeping soon.. there are so many should bes.. suppose to end work at 6pm.. but that never did happened... wanted to meet mel for dinner at 730 at jp.. that never happened as well.. suppose to eat dinner.. just ended eating old chang kee for dinner.. it din end up so bad..

suppose to come back home early to do more work stuff on the laptop.. ended up slacking in mel's room watching 'venus and mars' which is a nice show on men and women.. how life is imperfect.. and marriage is as well.. its about communication and trust in each other at appropiate times.. of course fate plays a part.. but one should always cherish what they have.. enjoyed mel's company thru the night.. even when i left the room to prepare to go bath together.. we ended up talking about work and pay(it seems so long ever since i lied down on the bed and have someone sat at the side and talk to me.. enjoyed it quite much.. feels theraputic.. like i am attended by a psychiatrist.. it felt kind of nice to have a friend who was popped by to chat.. makes u feel that life is not just abt work and sleep and its abt more.. )and surfing shopping sites in my room for another one and half hr till her bf popped up on my msn questioning where she and so we went to bath.. and b4 i stepped out of the door.. kuan ni walked past and the three of us strike up a conversation on how dirty the toilet has been.. although less than ten gals use it.. cos the aunty dun even clean it.. being fedup.. i wrote a few notes and pasted it on the wall where the cleaners and supervisor could see.. apparently the notes worked.. the toilet is much cleaner.. lets just be grateful for that

and now miss mel just msn me that she is wonder wat she wats.. :)
may all things turn out well..

here is the song that we always here on the 9pm show venus and mars.. by redwan ali.. i think its pretty nice! click here