Thursday, June 14, 2007
9:23 AM

Hall life | Hall 9 | FOC

posted by crazyyuan
why this post is named Hall life | Hall 9 | FOC is becos i figure.. they all have the same standing.. nothing would survive or ever be the same without each other.. like the spark of life, foc is the welcoming of freshies to hall life, hall 9.. the process which is hall life is the continuation of events and hall 9 is the location where all these take place.. hence these three cant do without each other

foc 2007 is coming again.. although i am graduating this year, i felt that there was something i could contribute to the foc.. hence i helped out with the biz mag stuff.. through out the process.. discussions with a friend..some memories come flooding back..

i would say my entry into hall 9 was not an accidentaly one. my bro lived in hall 9 for 2 semester. with my cousin in the same room in fact. so by r/s, i applied into the same hall..which i got in. during foc, my gl was my bro's gd friend rayner and they often just called me stevie which was quite funny.. life in hall was normal and good. but once u took part in foc.. one would feel the bond there among the hall mates.. its simple stuff. like suppers, events, dinners that built up our friendship over the years. unlike in sch where u dun see each other after lesson.. hall is the place where stuff is otherwise.. people see each other when they are the slackest.. not dressed up or as the A student.. just a normal person going to the toilet or canteen to have a short dinner. life was simple but it was good... cos u knew people for who they were.. indeed politics were at ur door step but lol one have learnt to be wise in avoiding them..

say friend's nick.. how he felt that foc was going to be great. could feel his excitiment overflowing, could understand how exhilarating he was that the foc was going to be an exciting one this year.. everyone hopes that this annual event will be a successful one.. for its the introdcution of hall life to and the result card.. would be pple like drew... working very hard to make sure the experience for the freshies will be as good as the one we had expereinced ourselves.. it was that experience that we want freshies to know.. foc is not just an event, but an introduction to the people behind the event.. and the beatiful and meanful memories these people want to pass on.. as they have received from earlier seniors themselves.. the rest such as staying for 3/4 years is up to one. but having introduced the people and life to them... thats our duty and role.. and our honour.. sounding a bit cheesy? lol haha maybe.. but thats true.. cos we are just trying to do justice to wat is considered the most important event of the year.. FOC...HALL 9 LEGACY THE REST DONT HAVE IT

to add.. i was never an impt or near- impt person in hall.. compared to many, i was just a normal subcom member(but one of the happiest memories is being a gl in foc!).. maybe its becos i live in 45.. the most isolated/lao ren block.. we were not the most up to date or the most enthu people but i found my close grp of friends and cherished their friendship dearly... and maybe becos i was not that involved in jcrc.. i was able to stand back/takepart and appreciate and enjoy(thanks to them) events that was painstakeing planned and held...nothing comes easy.. those in the com would know.. but the most impt was to believe that u were doing something for hall.. not something everyone will appreciate or recognise.. or even people understanding ur reason behind it..but that was something many pple did not give up on.. here i salute to these pple, appreciating all u have done. Things would not have been the same with out u all. may the hall 9 legacy live on!