Friday, July 27, 2007
1:28 PM

hay goat farm!!

posted by crazyyuan

check out the poster i made! >.<
yesterday i went hay goat farm!! there i learnt lots of new

- male goats are called buck, female doe and the young ones kids!
- both male and female goats have horns
- to give milk, female goats must give birth first, afterwhich they can give 6-8 months of milk!
- they have the life span of 10-12 years, but the females retired usually after 10 years, or else the baby born may not be that healthy or even become a still born..thats sad>.<
- goats milk is alkaline while cow milk is acidic!!
- human bodies are v close to goats, both alkaline. hence when all the goat are too old or dead, they are used in laboraties by scientists, thus we never eat the goats meat from the farm. they usually end up on researcher's table
- goat meat is called chevon ( i think )
- goats milk taste better with thats a personal comment