Thursday, August 30, 2007
11:15 AM

do a little project for YOURSELF today!

posted by crazyyuan
i got a new project!!! its not entirely got to do with my work , something related, but i am very excitied abt it!!
was surfing thru istock photos for pics for my html emailer when i came across some v pretty - glossy icons.. v simple, colourful and cute! and then i did a google for creating glossy /glassy icons with photoshop and out popped tons of tutorials!!

and one of the tuts is this:

what am i so excitied about? .. hmm maybe because suddenly i had a goal i could aim at! always enjoyed fiddling with photoshop, but my knowledge is only limited to the stuff i picked up from books that was not too heavy to be ludged back home from the library. seeing joan set up her food blog to share her experiences with everyone,and gunni having a viewbook to share her pretty photos, i was inspired to do something i like too!
life is short, lets all not be too tied down by work, give a little time to ourselves, not only to create value to others, but to ourselves too!