Tuesday, September 16, 2008
2:29 PM

ubin trip

posted by crazyyuan
Gosh, its been really some time since i blogged. one month to be exact. wonder if i actually lost the interest to blog? or am i jsut not that 'bored' any more.. lol
at the new job. tons of stuff.. never ending stuff to do. would be a miracle to go home at 6 sharp. if i do.. it must be i have forgotten to do somethign..lol. mean time, on weekends, i seldom turn on the computer. cos i am either out with him or slouching on the counch. siting in front of the comp for 12 hrs every weekday is enough!. anyway... attended a uni- tut mate 's wedding last weekend. such a sweet gal. going to be someone's wife le.. cannot imagine.. but she said she would try.. good point.. dun stress out ya! married still can enjoy life haha.. and rhys.. i am sure u will treasure her.. she is too cute not to. haha.

on that same morning, went to pulau ubin to recce with him for his event. wanted to see the chew jawa! end up see lots of high tide, no sea life.. other than a hornbill and 2 monitor lizards..but all in all its fun..
here are some pics to remember!