Wednesday, May 26, 2004
2:07 PM

well.. well...

posted by crazyyuan
i was thinking i could take everything with a pinch of salt u know .. unitl i read ur blog.. joan...
yeah.. was not thinking of making any personal attacks.. but since u already ' What fuck lah!'- which i believe was ur attitude to the outing.. well i dun think there is much for me to keep inside me. i am so terribly sorry for asking u out kindly to join us yesterday.. me and my big mouth and utterly stupid brain had to think of the phrase 'the more the merrier' ha.. obviously it did not turn out anywhere that way.. its sad u know.. next time we will know better then to put u in a spot and ask u to go somewhere that have air conditioning and everything at the last minute and piss the hell out of u like i like doing it... did u hear the rest of us complaining?.. maybe u were just too pissed.. or maybe we were just as pissed.. but or maybe u did not noitice at all..i just realised.. it doesnt take two person to make war.. it just takes a person in a very bad mood and in terrible luck with everthing not going in her way to declare war on everyone else.. the only mistake that i made was not having enough arguments to know u and ur ways better.. yah.. dun worry.. there wun be next time..
good friends? .. maybe...