Sunday, February 11, 2007
12:44 AM

long time no see

posted by crazyyuan
recently i have been quite bz. so pardon me for not posting. Life have still normal.. even though its a two day week. i find myself going to sch everyday for fyp and other projects. somehing that wasnt wat i was expecting. but life is still the same.

job hunting have started. and i am startign to think that this average student may find it quite hard to step into the real world. i have dreams of working in the hospitality industry, serving pple, making people happy. and even though of taking a dipolma. a flip in the newspapers revealed so many exciting opportuities for the new o'level finshers.. as many as the amount of new sec assessment books avaiable at popular since our old times. haiz.. wat am i going to do.. i am going to look harder.. all the best to all in the new year!