Friday, March 2, 2007
3:30 AM

new skin..

posted by crazyyuan
look on! my new blog skin. attended dreamweaver training today in sch.. even though its recess week -_-||. only less then 10 pple turned up anyway. was quite interesting. jut a bit toooo chim le.. but along the way we were introduced to all the fascinating stuff css and htmls can do.. not to mention the great tons of pretty template availble online. cant just stick to that not so pretty blogger template. this new one isnt exactly v pretty. but hey i like it. some cute little stumpy things shouting out loud, quite cute!.. and i just realised that with the new blogger version cannot just paste skins le.. must revert back to the classic one. lucky its easy to revert, but seems that pple / or my friends in particular dun blog much anyway.. so thats like.. left with me?.. if u are reading this bloggie.. drop me a comment/ tag bah. ha.. mean while take care !!