Monday, October 15, 2007
11:01 AM

job woes

posted by crazyyuan
had a meetup with joanie and kangyu on friday. like old times, i was in my slack friday attire, joanie was in her attractive and captivating self, and kangyu being his anything attitude :)

the meetup with the guys started at the jap desert store at vivo. a eat out that was suppose to be at koshibo buffet but paying 40+ per person was simply too exp even for working personels like us. well better than nothing, after 2 years, we finally got that dinner together. lets still try to go for koshinbo again ya?

the meetup was mostly abt work.. lol comparing how sucky/lucky we are.. the pple, the PAY, the prospects, the working hours, the happy hours, the office, the in some way, that triggered me to apply for something new. some pple know i am quite unhappy with my current one, not exactly the most comfortable with it, but in some way, still able to stay there for some time. sent my resume to joanie for ntuc, and flipped thru the papers for job openings. suddenly a flood of questions came to me.. wat should i apply for, marketing? managment trainee? retail? f&B? banking and finance? where the money is good? avoid sales? how do i know this job got good prospects? something that does not require me to dress up? someting that will not trigger a 'arent u over qualified for that job'.. then again, its better than getting a poly pay i DUN NOE!!.. if i apply for bens and jerrys , will u raise an eye brow? fair enough, i always tell pple, do somthing u like, that easiler than likeing something u do. but that so hard.. i need $$.. so $$ face :(