Tuesday, September 30, 2008
7:02 PM

work woes..haha.

posted by crazyyuan
a friend commented that i seem to have some love hate relationship with my job. i guess its true. its a good place to learn and also at the same time to make mistakes.

i hate it that i have to do thing i am not good at ( guess thats going out of ur comfort zone/ growing up)and doing made to do things that show my lack of skills. that shows that i am inefficient, unmerticious, not careful, clumsy, cannot organize well.. well sometimes i just cannot see the big picture! i aint the planning sort of person. i am the helper sort.. u tell me wat u want .. and me help. funny right.. maybe it is.. then again.. it just goes to show i cannot take responsibility. lack of urgency and many many stuff.. ha.. haiz...