Saturday, August 30, 2003
12:28 AM

posted by crazyyuan
29 AUGUST 11:57
Ok..pple you all must listen to this song:

曲:周杰伦 | 词:方文山 | 编:周杰伦
亲爱的总有些事没办法教 表错情的感觉有一点糟
赖着不走 会让人 很感冒 以上这道理我全都了
我将不该犯的错都默背好 仔细观察她的喜好
而我紧绷的外表 向上紧后的发条
等她的答案揭晓 她的睫毛 弯的嘴角 无预警的对我笑
没有预兆 出乎预料 竟然先对我示好 她的睫毛 弯的嘴角
用眼神对我拍照 我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道
有些是没办法教 表错情的有一点糟 赖着不走 会让人
很感冒 以上这道理我全都了 恋爱的方式无法拿笔来抄
也没有规则可以取巧 被动的缘分很不可靠

像是多汁的水蜜桃 谁都想咬
她嘴上亮丽的唇膏 有一股自信的骄傲 我看得到

(Rap:她的睫毛 弯的嘴角 无预警的对我笑 没有预兆
出乎预料 竟然先对我示好 她的睫毛 弯的嘴角
用眼神对我拍照 我戒不掉 她的微笑 洋溢幸福的味道)

this song is supperrrrcute!!
Ok.. I think I tell a lot of people liao, any way.. I thought this song was like the ye ye pao de cha…the way he sing it, very cute…: )

Yeah yeah.. today is teachers day, also left abot 13 days to prelims. Recently I have been really stressed. People are saying that I look stressed . I just I had tution, and my tutor just said I look worrying…hopefull that that is wat I look like to every one.
I think I am fine now really. I just realized, and I mean JUST that the coming prelims are not the real thing. For a moment I thought that if I failed the exam, I would die.
Yup the teacher said ,
results are not everything. Althought it is everything in the education system of Singapore, it shoud not be the value of yourself. Every one is different and every one is good at something, and not necessarily studying. In addition to that we must not fear failure, however hopless the situation is , never think of the words ‘doom’.

‘Expect the worse and hope for the best’

those was the words she sad. Dun let your fears paralyze you from moving forward. Failing you’re a’s (touch wood) does not mean that u have wasted two years, maybe literally. but look at all the other things we had gained

‘sharing your experencies, yours and mine’

true.. really had a great time in tj…found many great friends…amazingly…I pulled though. Remember the principal? She said”

you are all like marathon runner (something like that)
you are all running your last lap…the one that needs the most discipline and most energy to pull though.

We have come so far.. no point giving up not…stop dwelling on negative thoughts..think are hearing from a person, who looks like a depressed walking zombie who haven sucked enough blood and is feeling sad that she didn’t make enough kills to feed herself..ok wat am I talking..
My tutor say..must plan.. he advise us to plan lah..not that he did…sian..thats the kind of advise u get from psc scholor..’

Anyway…happy birthday to you bro!!. hope u stay handsome and cute forever!!