Monday, August 18, 2003
9:54 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Hey bloggy
How are you, haven written in you for quite a long time. I feel so sick.. that’s why I am writing in you now.
I just checked the calendar. Less than 27 days left to the first paper of prelims!!
I am so so so soooo not prepared!!i feel so frustrated that I just wanna cry my lungs out. Whats wrong with me??? Why cant I be like just a studious pupil and start putting my heart and mind to work?
Every time I take out my books to do homework, and I am talking about hw, I feel sleepy. I cannot even finish the assignments that are given to me , how am I suppose to start revising?
I cannot even do the the assignments given to me, how can i supposedly take the prelims in 1 months time, and now, even less than that?
Why is this going on?
What have I been doing?
I can seem to think straight, I am hoping that by writing in you, I can clear my thoughts out, I desperately need a way out.
Had an idea this afternn of going to see some school counselor or or some teacher to sort out my problems, why is it I cannot seem to remember the things I studied before, even if I have put my full heart and soul to studying them? I cannot seem to remember wat I have studied 2 weeks ago.
Do I have a lousy brain?
Am I wat my brother say: not suit for studying?
Then wat am I doing in tjc?
Did I come under luck? How is it everyone can do it and I can’t?
Why am I so lousy?

No use trying to self pity
No use trying escape
Its time to face the truth whether you like it or not
Even if you do not have the brains, u can put in effort to make up for it…
All this sounds like a truckload of rubbish.
Feel like giving my self a big tight slap in the face and throwing myself down a 100 storey building and tell my self not to waste my time away any more.
You have not got much to spare.
BUT you will have lots to regret later.

Wake up pls zihui…wake up…..before its too late...