Saturday, August 9, 2003
11:19 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Todae is national dae..didnt do much at home…sadly..but I highlight of the day was watching NDP on TV. Really love the NDP even though i are not in the stadium, I can imagine the atmosphere in the air when every one is standing up and singling songs like ‘ stand up for singapore’.can u imagine how much hard work is put into all the preparations that have started since early this year. How grateful I would be if I can take part in the NDP, it would be more worthwhile too. Mean time I can thankful for all 20000 personals for making the NDP such a great event to watch on tv..even the world may think Singapore is just a small red dot, I am still proud of u cos you are the greatest!
Happy birthdae Singapore!

Me hear this on the radio: we should live like sunflowers, and always face the Sunlight positively.(zhuo4 ren2 yao4 xiang4 xiang4 ri4 kui2, yong3 yuan3 chao2 ze4 guan1 ming2 kan4 qi3!