Saturday, August 30, 2003
12:28 AM

posted by crazyyuan
Hey blog.
It’s the 24 of Aug. the time now is 2341 hrs.

I am 18 years and 1 month old. Haha, just noticed..i am not online, or any where near the comp, just lying on my bed and writing on a piece of foolscap. Zihui… how stupid can u much more time can you waste..was that my alter ego?..if you are, stop bashing in like that..ok…anyway, its..Sunday night. Yeah..few more minutes, it would be 25 aug..time really flies. In a months time, another cousin will be getting married, in three weeks time, it would be the prelims, in 2 weeks time, I would be panicking , I one weeks time, me would be spending the last few days with my class mates plus my brother will be celbrating his 21st birthdae…mom said I was more excited than him..hey why not? really happen for him..although the age does not make any difference to his brain status..i am still happy for him..cos he gonna have a birthdae party at home…gonna be a big occasion to remember. I told him that I wouldn’t want to hold a party like him, too trouble some, quite sad to think like that hey.Yeah, I always have birthday blues…I have a good friend who shares the same idea as me. We both agree that there isn’t any big deal…but I get all excited when it come to pple’s birthday!!!. Dun noe why..think its easier to feel happy for others.

Me bought an post card today, says: Your attitude determines your alttitude., pasted it on the wall… does work, cos that’s my attitude toward such stuff..sian.i can only make my self look at it.