Wednesday, September 17, 2003
2:39 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Of course..i am referring to donne. Actually his poems are nice..except a bit hard to study. I mean … to understand to the extend u are able to write an essay on it..thats way beyond my standard…
But I still enjoy donne occasionally, and not in the ways the teachers would want to to do so too.. anyway here is a poem for u donne


Oh donne oh donne how do you do?
Me have written a poem that is all about u.

Please do not turn in your grave,
And please do not haunt me at night;
For your poems and sonnets have already left me in fright.

Lets begin with your life,
One full of problems,
You are troubled by ideologies of love and religion
But most – by women.

I do not understand thee that well to critise;
But I am sure I will not do the same to u,
Wat u did to Christ.

And so I read the Sunne rising
So full of passion and ego;
I fail to see,
how the sun could stand your face and didn’t go.

True we are all controlled by the rags of time,
But who else is like you,
always telling the sun where to shine.

I am utterly delighted by the undertaking
I am amused at how u made your love sound so interesting,
Be it the colour, the clothes or the skin,
you showed that love could surpass all things.

And then in the canonization, u appeared more knowledgeable than ever
Using conceits like doves and eagles
And even flies and tapers
You showed us even in death
People will not since part forever.

Witty poem you always use,
how you persuade your lovers into doing things she wouldn’t do.
You make it sound so insignificant
Its no wonder she wouldn’t give in to you.

Poor Flea I pity thee,
To be part of this whole rubbish,
wouldn’t it be better?
If he just left u in her bed
To make all the fuss that he wants to make.

You totally amuse me,
With poems like extasie, for I can never understand,
How spiritual love can be.
Not needing the physical body you said,
Which was unessential to our souls,
Which can always float out of ourselves to negotiate
Like ghosts in television shows.

The mixture of souls you desire
To make two into one.
You claim it will make the world a better place,
And free lovers from other wants.

I only like the last stanza
About the guy overhearing
For I really would like to see the expression on his face
When he sees two souls talking

The sonnets u write are really cool
All about death and sins
But have you ever considered
That you are not salvaging anything,
When u are just sitting there are wasting ink.

Take a walk in the twicknam garden and take a good look around
Be fill in by the sights and sounds
But do not be so disillusioned and groan
For being rejected by a faithful women is nothing to complain about

You were once angry and mad
By all the relationships you had.
That does mean you have to be against all the women
And call them mommies posset.

All right all right, I know this is unfair,
But to tell you truthfully ;
This is the least my cares.
My interpretations may be wrong or even nonsensically,
To all the poems you wrote,
But you cannot really blame me,
It was never my favorite book.
I have yet to get to the bottom of everything
Like the teachers said that I should
Perhaps I can start by with his poem
and return the book to where it should – under the pillow.