Thursday, September 4, 2003
6:10 PM

posted by crazyyuan
This song is great..its EXACTLY wat ii am feeling now…

灯 不能熄灭 熬过今夜 就能从书中逃回到 这个世界
我 我不明白 这个年代 怎么还能说 读好书 就会发财 好呆
爱我的爸 疼我的妈 说了那么多 你们明白吗
不是要反抗 只是要你看我不满的地方

读读读读读到书都想吐 好想哭
怕怕怕怕怕老是背书 好白痴
你你你你你 只会说你要第一 我就快要发羊癫疯

不是每个人都会读书 会读书
不厉害读书也不一定 就会输
不是想要说我会读书 不在乎 我
只想要 你能清楚 我 我不明白 这个年代
怎么还能说 读好书 就会发财 好呆

Didn’t go to school today..
That means I am trying to study at home..dun really seem to be working…cos I think I am writing my blog now…
I dun noe wat to do!!!
Left…11 days to prelims…things seem so hopeless…
Me trying to do the maths prelim papers at hand..but every other qn seems harder..and econ…trying to do mcqs in the silver tys… and my score hovers around the 20-25 marks out of the 40 qns…cannot even get near 30..sianz.
And my lit…read ying ling and jas’s blog..they all like started much of their lit…me..sad to say..dunnoe wat I am going to do about it….
Donne…I still cannot your poems…can u tuo1 meng4 (appear in my dreams) and tell me all your thought feelings and experience when u were writing these poems…for I have been sleeping with the donne book under my pillow every night liao..does not seem to work…..and the Shakespeare…..wah…I dun think I recollect getting more than 14/25 in any of my essays before loh….i am trying now to read those top essays now..the pple like andy…jeremy…..wonder how they write essays one..always get 20+ results.. I think I am not presenting my points( that is if they are points) clearly enough..some teacher are annoyed when the student beat around the bush in their essays…I think I do more than that..i practically batter the bushes into firewood..

Sian arh…tell thine what to do….
Like the sharp northe and the declining west….
My face appears nowhere in the sight of thee…
For thine have blinded me with beams so reverend, and strong…

Exams..tell me where all past years are
Or who can create a childhood without exams
I noe I have done one braver thing…
Than all the worthies did
That is to reveal thee things that ought be hid

Till age snow wonders that befell thee,
And sweare
No where
Lives a life so confused and sick…