Monday, September 1, 2003
12:18 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Hi blog.
It now 1254(300903)
Its been an extremely tired day. Just had birthday party at my brother’s house. He invited many of his friends,and my mom invited many relative.
I ‘enjoyed’ my whole day by the bossing around. From ‘go that the tissue boxes’ ‘help me get the drinks’ ‘to help me take photos’, and stay at the deep fryer and make sure the sotong balls inside doesnt burn’. Ok I admit I am complaining. Cannot help it. I must say it out or I will make myself feel worst with all these bad thoughts inside me. Anyway, thinking of it, it isn’t so bad., just being bossed around for the whole day, out of the many days of my life. Truthfully, u can count on that as being ‘useful around the house’, at least they dun ignore u right?, at least they involve u in doing things, despite knowing that u are disastrous in carrying out stuff.
For example, I was making agar this morning. The liquid solution overflowed, and driped into the well of the stove. Lucky it was agaragar, and it solidify fast enough for me to scoop out the solid version and leave the stove cleaner than ever. Not that such things happen to be often, but I happens everytime I am asked to do something.
So looking on the bright side, I think I didn’t not make much of a fool of my self today in front of so many people.
So why was I so unhappy.
My brother was opening his presents…he receive 6 watches!!
6!!all the nice nice one lor…those brand like addias, timex…elle…..citychain..or something like that. All the strap is the elegant silver one …so nice.
When I saw so many watches, I wanted one too. Yes I am a very greedy person.very greedy I think, cos when I saw so many watches and that they all belonged to him….i cried.
Dun noe why I did it, may be I was greedy, maybe I was jeolous, maybe I was justhappy for him..whiich is true…
But hey wat u gonna do with 6 watches
One nice thing was that before he open the presents, he offered to give me one of the watches..which is not at all possible now, cos they all is guy pattern one, me wear will be like a bangle…haha will look stupid. Ok I dun feel sad now.
Anther thing is…my present (a goofy pillow and a naroto poster) for my brother, I compared them to the watches and other stuff his friends gave him.i was feeling so sad, cos my prezzies looked so cheap…but that doesn’t bother me now! I dun noe why, but I knew I did my best in finding a present.i think he liked it.
Yo bro. if u are reading this blog, dun worry, I am fine, now..still considering on whether to have a 21s party like u…but yours was a good one. Happy birthday on 4/9/03!!!
