Monday, September 1, 2003
12:18 PM

posted by crazyyuan
hi blog again!!
It’s the first of September!!!
Finally can go on net liao. Got so much things to say.
Firstly..i just read my last entry…so childish
Next….today is teacher’s day!!! Happy teachers’ day to all teachers I know, including my friends cos they have thought me many stuff too!!like lessons in life, how to be sensitive and not be tacky and so on, and how I can I improve my studies.
You all make be a better person and make me learn new things everyday!!
You all made a difference to my life, and I express my gratitude to u all for teaching me stuff that cannot be found in the academic curriculum, making me a bette person. Haha..and to all teachers in school, thanks guys…..oh shit, I just heard a jay chou song being played on love 97.2…eeee..imagine the aunties listening to the songs….ok.. where was I?, oh yah…me sometimes sleep in class… cannot help it one….so excuse me a few times ok? I love most of the lessons…except for the tests…so can u cut down on those?
If one day I were to open a school, I will definitely scrape exams.. yap…and the students must show me wat they learnt thought different methods of expression like drawings , summary, or music..anyway they like.CCAs will be a must must….cos that’s where we learn teamwork and gain leadership qualities.
Yaya..i must be dreaming…open a school?..provided they do not kick me out of school first.
Any way…2 more weeks to exams!!! Arhhh, I was very stressed recently, until about 2 days ago, I decided to take things at my pace.. but I think tht is a bit tooo…me think that me will start doing the past year papers, see wat I dun noe, make my self panic first than see wat happens.
Its just prelims…if fail wont die…I will just go to hell ..haha
Yap…but very was doing last year maths prelim paper.. everything I dun noe how to do. The paper is so chim, that I dun even know wat method to use to solve the qns, not it is that obvious like in Os…sian must have a lot of thinking, some more must practice…I am thinking its harder to scrape through maths…cost they can really kill us without an effort..but still must put in effort to ‘dui de qi zhi ji’
I watched ‘I not stupid’ the movie last night. I cried….so touching. Could really relate to the feeling of guo bin, the EM3 boy…my tears gushed out when he went to his mother’s bed side with his results of 51/100…he had tried his best…and his mother did not blame him.
Before that he tried to commit suicide because of his poor results..sad…lucky he did not succeed…or it would be terribly tragic. At least his drawings were recognized in the end..but how many of us have such an opportunity?

Ok..lastly end with the lyrics of the song from the movie, which I find very nice:


(actually its not that u cannot
its just whether u are willing to make the effort
give yourself a chance
because we are all people of ability)