Monday, September 8, 2003
9:32 AM

posted by crazyyuan
yo bloggy
me now in the library waiting for the econs makeup to start..
tell u something..i had a nightmare last night, yes another nightmare again..except it is better than the last one...this time, was that i was being chased by freaky talking soft toys..those type in charlie and bride, except they are soft toy..
as they got nearer and nearer to heart pounded faster..and i felt it consiously....i knew that it was a dream and tried to imagine the toy to be soft and cuddlely..but in vain..cos the other side of my brain was wanting to see to react to the terror of being confrontef by a talking softtoy, which was walking closer to harm me..i dun noe how..but it was filled with evil intentions..
ok that was a weird dream..despite the fact i know i was dreaming..

sian 6 days left to prelims..basically i have only started on my maths revision, other subjects are cannot be speacked of.
i just started to panic last night..which was good!!!
i was a timetable which i drawn about 2 week ago in which i did not follow at all *slap my face* so i decided to get startd and stop wallowing in my sorrows and wat i cannot accomplish, and stay postitive! use just sitting there and sulking..when u can use your time to revise.
me have already set a reward for myself after prelims!! that is to go eat at some jap restr., be it mos, ajishan, genki or the dream jap buffet at safra tampine..i must work hard to make the reward worthwhile!!

i must work hard!!!
i will say this to my self everyday still not too late to start..better late than least a week ago i was still pondering on the use of me studying...

but i will throw those thoughts away wat ' someone" said

"oh just shutup and start studying.."

to all my friends!!
i know u all can do it..thanks for all the encouragement u all have given me..i have learnt that i must first not give up on myself for there are people who have not given up on me!
Jia You people!!
You all can do it!! All the way for the prelims!!!