Friday, May 28, 2004
9:45 PM


posted by crazyyuan
second day of work at BCH..
well..nothing much interesting happened.. it was the usual packing and arranging of BK.. i must be grateful that there is no easier money for the job that pays five bucks per hour.. yup.. the only bad points abt this job is that u have to handle sizzling hot BK that just comes off the grill.. and with thin protection like the plastic gloves.. only meant for keeping ur hands oil free.. ur skin still risks being cooked when u handle the hot in time .. everyone working there have iron hands that would not winch at the even the hotest piece of meat...cos in time.. ur hands dun even have time to blister.. they just cook straight away.. haha

good points of the job.. get to see celebrities... got serve lin xiao pei before.. today i met Diana ser.. haha.. and she looks quite small size in real life..

and the nice thing that happened today was that i met Dennis!.. haha.. a friend that i have not seen for a long time.. he's going ntu in two years time.. his gf still have no news from the uni.. and he actually got law... but he dropped it for mass comm.. very interesting decision.. but i must say.. when u have gd results.. u do have certain advantage..cannot really remember the last time i saw him.. for a moment.. could only relate him to Lep which he was not in it.. anyway.. wish him all the best~

i want to buy an mp3 player.. its a want...not a need... me had sort of decided.. not a very informed choice.. but i did some research... under the recommendations of eunice... cos creative having some fun carnival thingy.. MuVo slim at 299 bucks for 256 mb...haiz.. should i ???

LORD OF THE RINGS *LAST 7 DAYS* ...ahhh....*tear hair out*
piss.... there is a twenty percent off from tues to fri after 6 pm..

and there's nip/tuck tonight!! yeahh!!

i am getting long winded.............................tell me why................. i am bored i think... luckily.. i see gunni and rosie online now!! :P