Sunday, June 6, 2004
2:03 AM

Just for laughs

posted by crazyyuan
Will be out of town frm 8-12 June.. Dun miss me!!~~ :P..

Well.. if my mom wakes up down.. she will surely try to kill me or attempt to send the computer flying fifteen storeys down..wat can i say..i am suppose to be sleeping.. still got work tmw at 12-7.. i must say.. a crazy person got to do wat a crazy person's got to do.. so while i am waiting for my pony tail to dry...cos it got wet will i was taking a shower.. i might as well blog and update u guys on my life..

ok.. have been working night shift for the past.. two days.. quite fun.. on the first night.. when i was getting tired and started to yawn.. i looked at my watch and gave a loud gasp.. for it was only eight!.. siao man.. the time was crawling like it was competing with the snail who could be slower.. but then when it got late into the night.. at abt nine thirty to ten.. me started to become hyper.. yes.. become very high and start giggling over stupid stuff.. that always seem to happen when i am too tired... just now.. a colleague nearly accidentally poked me in the eye with a pair of tongs.. and i joked loudly the if that happened.. the customer would have bak kwa and eyeballs to jia1 liao4 ( as a special ingrediant) in her pack.. well .. only one person tsked.. dun remeber who.. but i think the rest was speechless..haha..

and it seems that the pple at the shop really are not tired.. we only close until the last customer leaves.. which is usually at 10 30.. when offically.. we should be closed at ten.. stupid.. at ten plus... i can still be seen smiling and chatting with the customers who come in to see see look look ..

' hi mdm!.. want to buy bak kwa?... today got discount leh! the chili pork usual 40 per kg today only 31.50 dollars!..a very good buy u know.. or u want 600g?.. only 18.90.. usual 24.. how much would u like.. how about trying some first?..'

and believe me.. i sound like a super-sweet and-act-cute little gal..the voice which luckily i think is only comes out when i am standing behind the counter.. or all my good friends out there will die of laughing...of course.. how can they not?.. i quote from my good friend kairu:

as long as Zihui is around.. every body else is gentle( wen rou) / ladylike..

Well.. wat can i say..nothing..

while i was giving out pamplets for BCH in the evening.. i have learnt many new lessons as well (crapping begins here*.. but its wat i really think... some a bit stupid though..)

1) dun ever give out pamplets at the opening of the station at which the direction of the crowd is leaving the area... the pamplets will be useless..
2) do not hesitate to smile at the pple u are giving out pamplets to .. cos some pple are really nice.. even if they dun take it,, and they often smile back!.. cos when u smile.. u pin point a person and show .. and not just shoving stuff into their hands.. that u are really happy to give something away.. and pple are happy to take too!
3) it does not hurt to to say something abt the promotion or watever stuff u having on the pamplet.. cos.. i realised that when u speak.. pple who r really interested will react and take initiative to take the pamplet.. of course make ur life easier... and u pin point pple who actually see u standing in front of them.. at least u have their attention..and u do not have to flap ur pamplet in front of their faces.. they would usually jus wave no.. which i think is much better than ignoring ur existance..
4)stand at a crowded place.. like outside a shopping center.. their exit.. the crowd walking into the direction of ur shop.. the idea of u in the middle of a crowd is better than a deserted corner.. never be afraid that u will be surrounded and die od suffocation... cos there will always be an automatic invisible barrier .. by pple who will avoid pamplets gives like their second nature
5)make friends with the security guard .. at least u will save urself from any embarrassment and the security guard from getting a pay cut.. which i have learnt.. if i stand too near the entrance..haha
6)enjoy ur work! enjoy wat u do!.. it may be saturday night!.. pple are out with their family or friends shopping like crazy.. chionging the life out of them.. at least u are not alone.. although u may feel jealous that everyone is having a great time except u with ur huge stack of pamplets.. hey look at the bright side.. u are getting paid for going to orchard everyday.. and u have seen all that can be seen at the sales.. and ur getting paid for it.. and when work is finished.. the shops are closed.. save u money cos u dun even get to spend a cent!
7)and a very impt point.. pple tend to take pamplets when they see pple in front of them take one.. especially aunites and children.. so be fast and make use of the kiasuism in singaporeans to give out the pamplets more quickly..haha

well after giving out abt a thousand pamplets.. i can say.. i can a bit understand their life .. quite sad sometimes when pple look at u like an alien when u hold out a piece of paper to them.. why?.. i still dun understand.. well . i will be nicer to these pple from then on.. it hard work to give out pamplets.. really.. u all should try it some day..

referance: *( 'crapping begins here' is a special catergory for my special friend like pei yu.. or anyone like her out there who thinks my blog is to damn crappy.. too long.. dun really want to read all the stupid stuff..u get the point.. so.. u all can stop reading here.. at ur own lose of course)