Tuesday, June 15, 2004
11:37 PM

short hair.. after so much effort to grow long hair....haiz..haha

posted by crazyyuan
yap.. as i said .. i got a hair cut yesterday.. the moment i stepped into the shop today.. the aunties cound not recongise me.. haahaa.. the the usual questions, why u cut your hair?.. why cut until so short?.. ni shuo le shen mo da ji?(wat blow did u receive that made u cut ur hair?)...

well eunice said that its some stylo-milo hiar style..haha.. the thing is that she have not seen it yet... well.. i can simply say its the shortest hair style ever since i was a baby.. and the most drastic one so far... when i look at the mirror.. i think of - the monkey king when he just popped out from the rock where he was imprisoned for 500 years.. the jungle boy.. from the jungle book.. 'harry potter'.. quote from daidai.. some kid who who never comb his hair and played at the void deck all day long..hair very big.. shaggy.. just wake up.. uncombable.. me....haha