Wednesday, March 19, 2008
11:51 AM

bookiez me!!

posted by crazyyuan
last year, i spent a major some on my budget ( i think i have one somewhere) on .. books. not the most exciting or easy.. but feel ever tempted to buy a book when i see awsome book reviews.. but now.. other than buying bestsellers at booksales or popular when they are REAL CHEAP.. i have rediscoverd the wonderfulness of our regional libs.. i hope everyone is as grateful as i am for them.. for not every country actually spents millions of dollars on hardcover reads for its pple..less to say ..make sure there is a regional book heaven at every heartland. and when i see a nice book.. i do try my best to go to check if it was available in any lib around me.. more often than not.. they is always a copy lying around.. and then to find related books .. i would hop on amazon to see wat others read. and nlb will surely not be too far never appreciates wats u have a in bundant.. from cookery to craft, from art to animals, marketing to manageing, there is surely something there for u! for a daughter of a librarian.. there aint realy a lot of books aorund the house.. one thing my mom is sick of and for some strange reason some time ago.. i started buy books to make me feel better from spending money on clothes.. u dun wash books u noe and ur mom wun scold u for them.. u can always say u got them from a friend! lol..

boss coming in.. gtg/.