Monday, March 3, 2008
11:31 AM

looking around.

posted by crazyyuan
post 591.

it takes the simplest's stuff to make one happy..
it takes the most irritated person in the office to make me angry.

life's been hectic.. no idea wat is right wat is wrong. things and pple come and go..move on.. expereience changes.. embrace the new. and once in a while. when we slow down to appreciate the stuff around us.. we realise how much have changed and how much we have been thru. 14.10.2006. the date seems so long ago.. but its just like yesterday when we went phuket and gorged ourselves hungryily on corn. . april 2002.. it just seemed like a while ago when we wore silly red and white ribbons for national day.. lol.. those were the days.. look forward to many more beautiful days ahead with all i love and cherish!