Saturday, September 27, 2003
10:18 PM

posted by crazyyuan
26 sept Friday, 11.11pm

haha, just when I thought my life is coming to a stop, being so bored with nothing to do..i jumped out of seat and cycled to the swimming pool to swim, out of jest and out of anger too, cos I feel fed up of waiting for things to happen…and so began one of the oddest day of my life…

Cycled to the swimming pool….at the entrance, I was dumbfounded at how to enter the pool…was so paiseh..did not even know how to buy the entrance ticket. Lucky got some old life guard around..too embarrassed to ask how to enter, I asked him whether I should get adult or children ticket…haha…now thinking of it, I think that gave me away…but when he asked me for my age and I said I was 18, he did not seem to believe me….and asked me whether I was sure….
Yap…that’s a summary of a pretty stupid day…
Anyway..the swimming pool…so many kids!, which I realized to be all from tampines north pri, all learning to swim…..and me setting a bad example..cos I almost thought I have forgotten how to swim, until I jumped into the pool. Sadly..never see and yandao guys at the pool, even if there was..haiz, also cannot see..cos me never wear specs…

Anyway after swimming for abt 2 hrs plus, me decided to cycle to pasir ris, maybe visit some of my friends there… I went to the sun plaza park to take the tampines park connector….siao man..the route was 1680m long..and after the first 1 km, I had to cycle over a bridge..which was horrendously steep and long winded…and I gave up have way up the bridge…..and cycled back. Tried to take another route back, and realized that I was riding in circles around tampines.....reached the outskirts of simei, saw the borders of pasir ris, around sun plaza park, around tpjc, duman sec…all along 400+ blocks……around tm….and ended up in tampines lib…to wait for my friend whom haven gone swimming yet…