Tuesday, September 30, 2003
10:50 PM

posted by crazyyuan
Tuesday 30 September.
In about a month’s time, A’s will be starting. Looking at my results, I am only scraping pass my subject, lit, econs and maths. Do I look like a person who is prepared to go into the examination hall to get a minimum score of BBC to get into a local U? I dun think so.

Got back my most of my lit results today, they were not entirely fantastic, nor were they terrible, in some way or another; I felt that I could have done better. I do not understand why I have the tendency to get similar grades for the different grades and papers I take, maybe it just shows how much effort I put into my work. Or maybe it reflects the attitude I have towards all my papers, I allow fate to take me for a ride.

The only thing constant in life is change. Therefore when one stops, one starts to lag behind the moving crowd, falling backwards. Probably the only way to solve the problem is to move on, and not stop there and stay stagnant. I would think of it to be being thrown into the big sea. If u were to just float there and do nothing, u will most prob be swept away by the current into the huge ocean, if u do not even noe how to swim, it is likely for u to drown and die. However, if one at least try to swim in a particular direction, there is still a chance to reach shore. Not every one will be lucky enough to find the correct direction. Some may die of exhaustion in the process, but at least they tried.