Sunday, October 5, 2003
9:20 PM

posted by crazyyuan
yeah yeah, how can any one feel not guilty after writing al that abt someone who just cares about u. (hopefully my feelings too)
just wanted to pour my heart out , nothing else.

to think about the troubles in the world, poverty, war, hunger,...wats all the fuss about my problems?..i hear my mom nagging again..sian...can't fight it, live with it i will : )

tomorrow gonna start the last week of school liao. Two years...coming to an end, just like that.

Two years..
first 3 months was days that started with panics...worrying about tests finding classrooms, breaking testubes, getting to Lts in time, playing cards behind the audit...having maggie goh for econs..

then... it was adjusting to new classmates, new timetable, feeling sore abt not seeing old friends.. trying not to fall asleep in the *extremely interesting* chinese lessons, and the donne notes, so as to not smudge my drawings...figureing wat was going on in maths lectures and wat everyone was 'seeing' in pc lessons, receving 15 percentile for maths and still being proud of it...

start of year two..being to realise there isn't much time left...picking up pieces left hanging around in yr one, looking forward to breaks, dreading horriblely thursdays and fridays..knowing 3302 better, took part in a whole lot of silly but fun compeitions...missing friends..feeling depressed at times...picking pieces in my life..

now it is all coming to an end
really hope we will all still remain friends
and remember the fun we shared
and all the troubles we had

we never gave up
and look where we came
still standing upright like the time when it began

now all its left is a hundred meter sprint
let us do it hand in hand
together we can make it grand